Estimate the value of your vehicle in less than a minute.

Estimate the value of your vehicle in less than a minute.


How is the best car rating calculated ?

To allow anyone to estimate a used car for free, we have created the best auto rating . Developed by automotive experts in conjunction with computer data engineers, the best auto rating is calculated through the daily analysis of millions of ads directly from the most popular automotive ad sites. In this way, valuations are updated in real time and correlated with the automotive market. By distinguishing ads from professionals from those from individuals, we ensure total transparency in estimating the market value of a vehicle. Indeed, unlike other car valuation services available online, we provide a reliable estimate because we adjust the market value of the vehicle taking into account the condition of the bodywork, signs of wear and possible damage.

The differences of the Argus rating

In France, since 1927, the Argus rating is the estimated reference value, used for used cars. It is based on various factors, namely the prices charged on the second-hand market and those of the new. The Argus also establishes a behavior-type discount, which highlights the depreciation of a vehicle over a given period. This behavior is analyzed by taking into account the data provided by the manufacturer and those observed throughout the use of the vehicle. This behavior is taken into consideration to calculate the Argus rating. The Argus rating is a value recognized by both individuals and professionals, whether they are sellers, buyers or insurers. It serves as a basis for negotiation, and is a reference indicator to give you an idea of ​​your position in the market. However, it cannot constitute either a final sale price or a firm purchase offer. The reason is that, in its determination, certain elements are not taken into account. This applies to the condition of the bodywork and tyres, that of the mechanics, the history of claims and maintenance, among others.

Estimate your car in a few clicks with better auto

Have you ever thought about estimating the value of your car? If you are looking for an easy to use, free and secure tool, you just found it. Tailor-made, the simulator offered by mieuxauto allows you to know the price of your vehicle in a few clicks. By entering the first characteristics of your used car, the mieuxauto platform is able to make an accurate estimate of the price of your car. Before starting the estimate, complete the form and indicate the different options for your car. This information, of which only you are aware, can significantly increase the takeover offer that will be proposed to you in the next step.

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